Selected Previous Reports


National Protocols

Robertson, B.M., Stevens, L., Robertson, B.P., Zeldis, J., Green, M., Madarasz-Smith, A., Plew, D., Storey, R., Hume, T. and Oliver, M. 2016a.  NZ Estuary Trophic Index. Screening Tool 1. Determining eutrophication susceptibility using physical and nutrient load data.  Prepared forEnvirolink Tools Project: Estuarine Trophic Index MBIE/NIWA Contract No: C01X1420. 47p.

Robertson, B.M., Stevens, L., Robertson, B.P., Zeldis, J., Green, M., Madarasz-Smith, A., Plew, D., Storey, R., and Oliver, M. 2016b.  NZ Estuary Trophic Index. Screening Tool 2. Screening Tool 2. Determining Monitoring Indicators and Assessing Estuary Trophic State.  Prepared forEnvirolink Tools Project: Estuarine Trophic Index MBIE/NIWA Contract No: C01X1420. 68p.

Stevens, L. and Aurand, D. 2008. Criteria for Evaluating Oil Spill Planning and Response Operations. A Report to IUCN, The World Conservation Union. Ecosystem Management & Associates, Inc., Lusby, MD. 20657. Technical Report 07-02 (Revised June 2008), 55p

Stevens, L.M. 2000. Guidelines for Dispersant Use in New Zealand. Prepared for the Foundation of Research, Science and Technology and the Maritime Safety Authority. Cawthron Report No. 581. 45p..

AMSA, 2003. Oil Spill Monitoring: Background Paper and Handbook.  Prepared by John Wardrop (Wardrop Consulting) and Leigh Stevens (Cawthron Institute) for the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and the Marine Safety Authority of New Zealand (MSA). Published by AMSA, Canberra. 


New Zealand Estuaries

Awarua Bay/Bluff Harbour

Stevens, L. and Clarke, M. 2004. Broad scale mapping of subtidal habitat and ecology of Bluff Harbour, 2004. Prepared for Environment Southland. 38p.

Stevens, L. and Barter, P. 2004. New Zealand Aluminum Smelter 2004 wharf seabed monitoring. Cawthron Report No. 967 prepared for NZAS Limited. 12p + appendices.

Robertson, B, Stevens, L., Thompson, S., and Robertson, B. 2004. Broad scale intertidal habitat mapping of Bluff Harbour. Cawthron Report No. 940. Prepared for Environment Southland. 14p.

Robertson, B, Stevens, L., Thompson, S., and Robertson, B. 2004. Broad scale intertidal habitat mapping of Awarua Bay, 2004. Cawthron Report No. 941. Prepared for Environment Southland. 15p.

Stevens, L. and Barter, P. 2005. New Zealand Aluminum Smelter 2004 drain sediment sampling. Cawthron Report No. 968 prepared for NZAS Limited. 13p + appendices.

Stevens, L. and Barter, P. 2005. New Zealand Aluminum Smelter 2004 seabed sidescan assessment. Cawthron Report No. 969 prepared for NZAS Limited. 6p.


Catlins Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2017. Catlins Estuary: Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2016/17. Prepared for Otago Regional Council. 38p. 

Robertson, B.M., Robertson, B.P., and Stevens, L.M. 2017. Catlins Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Otago Regional Council. 32p.

Fortrose Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Fortrose (Toetoes) Estuary. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2018. Prepared for Environment Southland. 46p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.P. 2016. Fortrose (Toetoes) Estuary. Broad Scale Substrate, Macroalgae and Seagrass Mapping. Prepared for Environment Southland. 29p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Fortrose (Toetoes) Estuary. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2012/13. Prepared for Environment Southland. 25p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Fortrose (Toetoes) Estuary. Macroalgal Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Environment Southland. 5p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Fortrose (Toetoes) Estuary. Macroalgal Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 5p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Fortrose (Toetoes) Estuary. Macroalgal Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Environment Southland. 6p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2009. Fortrose (Toetoes) Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Environment Southland. 18p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2009. Fortrose (Toetoes) Estuary. Macroalgal Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Environment Southland. 5p.


Freshwater Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Freshwater Estuary. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2012/13. Prepared for Environment Southland. 23p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2013. Freshwater Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 20112/13. Prepared for Environment Southland. 27p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2011. Freshwater Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 33p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2010. Freshwater Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Environment Southland. 32p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2009. Freshwater Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Environment Southland. 24p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2008. Freshwater Estuary. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2007/08. Prepared for Environment Southland. 24p.

Greville Harbour (D’Urville Island)

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Broad scale intertidal habitat mapping of the estuaries of Greville Harbour/Wharariki, D’Urville Island, Marlborough. Salt Ecology Report 001 prepared for Marlborough District Council, April 2018. 18p plus appendices. 

Haldane Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Haldane Estuary: 2018 Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary. Salt Ecology Report 005. Prepared for Environment Southland by Leigh Stevens, July 2018. 8p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2013. Haldane Estuary. Fine Scale Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Environment Southland. 23p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2011. Haldane Estuary. Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 25p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2010. Haldane Estuary. Fine Scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Environment Southland. 22p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2009. Haldane Estuary. Fine Scale Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Environment Southland. 18p.

Stevens, L. and Asher, R. 2005. Broad scale intertidal habitat mapping of Haldane Estuary. Prepared for Environment Southland. 13p.

Havelock Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2017. Havelock Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring Data 2017. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. 20p. 

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2015. Havelock Estuary 2015. Fine Scale Monitoring Data. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. 11p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Havelock Estuary 2014.  Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. 43p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2009. Rai Valley Sustainable Farming Project Preliminary Assessment of River and Coastal Issues. Prepared for Landcare Trust. 34p.

Hutt Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Hutt Estuary Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring, January 2018. Salt Ecology Report 009. Prepared for Greater Wellington Council, May 2018. 13p. 

Stevens, L.M. 2017. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary 2016/2017. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Stevens, L.M. and O’Neill-Stevens, S. 2017. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 13p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2017. Hutt Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 34p.

Stevens, L.M., Robertson, B.M. and Robertson, B.P. 2016. Hutt Estuary: 2016 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 35p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2016. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary 2015/16. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2015. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2014/15. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2015. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary 2014/15. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 6p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 4p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 4p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2012. Hutt Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 26p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 4p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2011. Hutt Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 25p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Hutt Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 3p.

 Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2010. Hutt Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 24p.

Jacobs River Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Jacobs River Estuary. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2018. Prepared for Environment Southland. 48p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Jacobs River Estuary. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2012/13. Prepared for Environment Southland. 26p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2013. Jacobs River Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring of Highly Eutrophic Arms 2012/13. Prepared for Environment Southland. 29p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Jacobs River Estuary. Macroalgal Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Environment Southland. 6p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2012. Jacobs River Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring of Highly Eutrophic Arms 2011/12. Prepared for Environment Southland. 29p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Jacobs River Estuary. Macroalgal Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 6p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2011. Jacobs River Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 34p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Jacobs River Estuary. Macroalgal Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Environment Southland. 7p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2009. Jacobs River Estuary. Macroalgal Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Environment Southland. 5p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2008. Jacobs River Estuary. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2007/08. Prepared for Environment Southland. 31p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2007. Jacobs River Estuary 2007. Macroalgal monitoring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 4p.


Kaikorai Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Kaikorai Estuary: Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2018. Prepared for Otago Regional Council. 30p. 

Kaiuma Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2017. Kaiuma Estuary: Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2017. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. 30p. 

Kokorua Inlet

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2015. Kokorua Inlet Broad Scale habitat mapping 2014/2015. Prepared for Nelson City Council. 33p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2015. Kokorua Inlet 2014/15 Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Nelson City Council. 34p.


Lake Brunton (ICOLL)

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2013. Lake Brunton. Broad scale habitat /Macrophyte mapping 2013. Prepared for Environment Southland. 20p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2009. Lake Brunton. Synoptic survey, macrophyte mapping and vulnerability assessment. Prepared for Environment Southland. 17p.


Lake Onoke (ICOLL)

Robertson, B.M., and Stevens, L.M. 2007. Lake Onoke 2007 - Vulnerability Assessment & Monitoring Recommendations. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 57p.


Manawatu Estuary

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2017. Manawatu Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Horizons Regional Council. 26p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.P. 2016. Manawatu Estuary 2016 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Horizons Regional Council. 28p.


Moutere Inlet

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2014. Moutere Estuary 2013/14 Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Tasman District Council.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Moutere Inlet Broad Scale habitat mapping 2012/2013. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 29p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2012. Moutere Estuary 2012/13 Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 25p.


Motupipi Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B. 2015. Motupipi Estuary 2015 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 36p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B. 2008. Motupipi Estuary 2008 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 27p + appendices.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2008a. Motupipi Estuary Vulnerability Assessment & Monitoring Recommendations. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 47p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2008b. Motupipi Estuary 2008 Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 20p.


New River Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2018. New River Estuary: 2018 Macroalgal Monitoring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 29p.

Robertson, B.M., Stevens, L.M., Dudley, B. and Zeldis, J. 2017. New River Estuary - review of water quality data in relation to eutrophication 1991-2015. Report prepared by NIWA and Wriggle Coastal Management for Environment Southland. 32p.

Stevens L.M., Robertson, B.M. and Ward, N. 2016. Characterisation of trophic changes in New River Estuary using the NZ Estuary Trophic Index (ETI). Presentation to the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society and Australian Marine Sciences Association. Sharing Ocean Resources - Now and in the future. 4-17 July 2016, Wellington, New Zealand.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. New River Estuary: Macroalgal Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Environment Southland. 11p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2013. New River Estuary - Fine Scale Monitoring of Highly Eutrophic Arms, 2012/2013. Prepared for Environment Southland. 27p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. New River Estuary: Macroalgal Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Environment Southland. 8p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. New River Estuary: Broad scale habitat mapping 2011/12. Prepared for Environment Southland. 29p.

Robertson, B.M., and Stevens, L.M.  2012. New River Estuary - Fine Scale Monitoring of Highly Eutrophic Arms, 2011/2012. Prepared for Environment Southland. 30p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. New River Estuary: Macroalgal Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 8p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. New River Estuary: Sedimentation Rate Monitoring Summary February 2011. Prepared for Environment Southland. 2p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M.  2011. Waihopai Arm: New River Estuary - Preliminary Synoptic Assessment 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 16p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M.  2010. New River Estuary: Fine scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Environment Southland. 35p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2007. New River Estuary 2007: Broad scale Habitat Mapping and Sedimentation Rate. Prepared for Environment Southland. 34p.


Onehau Estuary

Stevens, L., and Robertson, B. 2014. Onehau Estuary: Macroalgal Monitoring 2013/14. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 4p.


Porangahau River Estuary

Stevens, L., and Robertson, B. 2006. Broad scale habitat mapping of the Porangahau Estuary. Prepared for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.


Porirua Harbour

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour Sediment Plate Monitoring 2017/2018. Salt Ecology Report 002 prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, April 2018. 21p. 

Stevens, L.M. 2017. Porirua Harbour: Sediment Plate Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 21p.

Stevens, L.M. and O’Neill-Stevens, S. 2017. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 13p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.P. 2016. Porirua Harbour: Sediment Plate Monitoring 2015/16. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 12p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.P. 2016. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2015/16. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 12p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2015. Porirua Harbour Estuary: Sediment Monitoring 2014/15. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 12p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2015. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2014/15. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 12p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2015. Porirua Harbour: Fine Scale Monitoring 2014/15. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 48p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Porirua Harbour: Sediment Plate Monitoring 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 11p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Porirua Harbour: Broad Scale Subtidal Habitat Mapping 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 34p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Porirua Harbour Estuary: Sediment Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 11p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Porirua Harbour: Broad Scale Habitat Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 30p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 8p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 4p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 6p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 4p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 3p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2010. Porirua Harbour: Fine Scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 39p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2009. Porirua Harbour: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 3p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2009. Porirua Harbour: Fine Scale Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 26p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2008. Porirua Harbour: Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2007/08. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 29p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2008. Porirua Harbour: Fine Scale Monitoring 2007/08. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 32p.


Ruataniwha Inlet

Robertson, B.M., Robertson, B.P. and Stevens, L.M. 2017. Ruataniwha Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 31p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B. 2015. Ruataniwha Inlet 2015. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 34p.


Shag Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2017. Shag Estuary: Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2016/17. Prepared for Otago Regional Council. 26p.

Robertson, B.M., Robertson, B.P., and Stevens, L.M. 2017. Shag Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Otago Regional Council. 31p.

Tokomairiro Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Tokomairiro Estuary: Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2018. Prepared for Otago Regional Council. 40p. 

Waiau (Te Waewae) Lagoon

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Waiau (Te Waewae) Lagoon 2012 Fine Scale Monitoring and Macrophyte Mapping. Prepared for Environment Southland. 19p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Waiau Lagoon 2011 Fine Scale Monitoring and Macrophyte Mapping. Prepared for Environment Southland. 18p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Waiau Lagoon 2010 Fine Scale Monitoring and Macrophyte Mapping. Prepared for Environment Southland. 18p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2009. Waiau Lagoon 2009 Synoptic Survey, Macrophyte Mapping and Vulnerability Assessment. Prepared for Environment Southland. 22p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2008. Waiau Lagoon 2007 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2007/08. Prepared for Environment Southland. 17p.


Waikanae Estuary

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Waikanae Estuary: 2017/2018 Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary. Salt Ecology Report 003. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, April 2018. 3p.

Stevens, L.M. 2017. Waikanae Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary 2016/17. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2017. Waikanae Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 27p.

Stevens, L.M. andRobertson, B.M. 2016. Waikanae Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary 2015/16. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2015. Waikanae Estuary: Broad Scale Habitat Monitoring 2014/15. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 32p. 

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Waikanae Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 2p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Waikanae Estuary: Macroalgal Mapping 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 5p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Waikanae Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 5p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Waikanae Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 4p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Waikanae Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 4p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2012. Waikanae Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 22p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Waikanae Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 3p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2011. Waikanae Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 21p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2010. Waikanae Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 20p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Waikanae Estuary: Intertidal Macroalgal Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 3p.

Waikouaiti Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2017. Waikouaiti Estuary: Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2016/17. Prepared for Otago Regional Council. 36p. 

Robertson, B.M., Robertson, B.P., and Stevens, L.M. 2017. Waikouaiti Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2016/17. Prepared for Otago Regional Council. 37p.


Waimatuku Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Waimatuku Estuary 2012. Fine Scale Monitoring and Macrophyte Mapping. Prepared for Environment Southland. 16p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Waimatuku Estuary 2011. Fine Scale Monitoring and Macrophyte Mapping. Prepared for Environment Southland. 13p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Waimatuku Estuary 2010. Fine Scale Monitoring and Macrophyte Mapping. Prepared for Environment Southland. 13p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2009. Waimatuku Estuary 2009 Synoptic Survey, Macrophyte Mapping and Vulnerability Assessment. Prepared for Environment Southland. 20p.


Waikawa Estuary (Marlborough)

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2016. Waikawa Estuary (Marlborough): Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2016. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. 27p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2016. Waikawa Estuary (Marlborough): Fine Scale Monitoring 2016. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. 27p. 


Waikawa Estuary (Southland)

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Waikawa Estuary: 2018 Intertidal Sediment Monitoring Summary. Salt Ecology Report 006. Prepared for Environment Southland, July 2018. 10p. 

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B. 2013. Waikawa Estuary: Sedimentation rate monitoring summary, February 2013. Prepared for Environment Southland. 2p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2013. Waikawa Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2013. Prepared for Environment Southland. 24p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B. 2012. Waikawa Estuary: Sedimentation rate monitoring summary, February 2012. Prepared for Environment Southland. 2p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B. 2011. Waikawa Estuary: Sedimentation rate monitoring summary, February 2011. Prepared for Environment Southland. 2p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2009. Waikawa Estuary.  Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2008/09. Prepared for Environment Southland. 29p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2008. Waikawa Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2008. Prepared for Environment Southland. 32p.

Robertson, B.M., and Stevens, L.M. 2007. Waikawa Estuary 2007 Fine Scale Monitoring and Historical Sediment Coring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 29p.

Robertson, B., Stevens, L., Thompson, S., and Robertson, B. 2004. Broad scale intertidal habitat mapping of Waikawa Estuary. Prepared for Environment Southland. 12p.

Waimea Inlet

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Waimea Inlet Broad Scale habitat mapping 2013/2014. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 46p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2014. Waimea Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2013/14. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 31p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Waimea Inlet 2010 Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 47p + appendices.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Waimea Inlet Historical Sediment Coring 2011. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 13p.


Waituna Lagoon (ICOLL)

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2009. Waituna Lagoon 2009. Macrophyte (Ruppia) Monitoring. Prepared for Department of Conservation. 19p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B. 2007. Waituna Lagoon 2007 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping and Historical Sediment Coring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 36p.

Stevens, L. M. and Robertson, B.M. 2007a. Waituna Lagoon 2007. Ecological Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations. Prepared for Environment Southland. 40p.


Whanganui Inlet (Tasman)

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Whanganui Inlet : Mapping of Historical Seagrass Extent. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 10p. 

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2017. Whanganui Inlet: 2016 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 34p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2016. Whanganui Inlet: Fine Scale Monitoring 2015/16. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 25p.


Whanganui River Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2017. Whanganui Estuary 2017 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Horizons Regional Council. 26p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2009. Whanganui River Estuary Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2008/09. Prepared for Department of Conservation. 17p.


Whangarae Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2016. Whangarae Estuary: Broad Scale Habitat Mapping 2016. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. 29p. 

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2016. Whangarae Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2016. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. 28p.


Whareama Estuary

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.P. 2016. Whareama Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2015/16. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 6p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2016. Whareama Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2015/16. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 27p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2015. Whareama Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2014/15. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 6p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2014. Whareama Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 5p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Whareama Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 5p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Whareama Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 5p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Whareama Estuary: Intertidal Sediment Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 4p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2010. Whareama Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 24p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2009. Whareama Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 20p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2008. Whareama Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2007/08. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 20p.


Coastal Freshwater Lakes

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2013. Lake Vincent. Broad scale habitat mapping 2013. Report prepared for Environment Southland. 27p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2013. The Reservior. Broad scale habitat mapping 2013. Report prepared for Environment Southland. 27p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2013. Lake George. Broad scale habitat mapping 2013. Report prepared for Environment Southland. 26p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2013. Lake Murihiku. Broad scale habitat mapping 2013. Report prepared for Environment Southland. 26p.



Stevens, L.M. 2018. Fine Scale Monitoring of Petone Beach, Lyall Bay and Owhiro Bay, Wellington. Salt Ecology Report 007. Prepared for Greater Wellington Council, May 2018. 33p. 

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2015. Peka Peka Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2014/15. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 27p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2014. Rabbit Island Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2013/14. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 27p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2014. Peka Peka Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2014. Castlepoint Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2013/14. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2013. Orepuki Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2012/13. Prepared forEnvironment Southland. 20p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2012. Porpoise Bay Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 16p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2012. Orepuki Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2011/12. Prepared forEnvironment Southland. 19p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2011. Porpoise Bay Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland. 16p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2011. Orepuki Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared forEnvironment Southland. 16p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2010. Porpoise Bay Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Environment Southland. 16p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2009. Castlepoint Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2008/09. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 13p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2008. Castlepoint Beach, Fine Scale Monitoring 2007/08. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 19p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2006. Monitoring and Managing Beach and Dune Condition: Hawkes Bay Region. Prepared for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. 14p.


Rocky Shores

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Rocky Shore Monitoring of Scorching Bay, Makara, and Baring Head, Wellington. Salt Ecology Report 008. Prepared for Greater Wellington Council, June 2018. 26p.

Stevens, L.M. and O’Neill-Stevens, S. 2017. Flat Point 2017 Fine Scale Rocky Shore Monitoring. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 6p. plus appendices.

Robertson, B.P. and Stevens, L.M. 2016. Flat Point 2016 Fine Scale Rocky Shore Monitoring. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 16p. plus appendices.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Waipapa Point 2011 Rocky Shore Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 20p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2013. Frentz Reef 2013 Rocky Shore Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 20p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Stirling Point 2012 Rocky Shore Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 20p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2012. Waipapa Point 2012 Rocky Shore Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 19p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Stirling Point 2011 Rocky Shore Fine Scale Monitoring. Prepared for Environment Southland. 19p.

Stevens, L.M., and Robertson, B.M. 2011. Waipapa Point Rocky Shore Fine Scale Monitoring 2010/11. Prepared for Environment Southland.19p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2010. Stirling Point Rocky Shore Fine Scale Monitoring 2009/10. Prepared for Environment Southland. 15p.


River Plumes

Robertson, B., and Stevens, L. 2006. A Proposed Method for Assessing the Effects of River Plumes in the Hawke’s Bay Region. Envirolink Report prepared for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. 18p.


Coastal Ecological Vulnerability Assessments (EVAs)

Stevens, L.M. 2018. Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Coastal habitat vulnerability and ecological condition. Salt Ecology Report 004 prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 43p.

Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.P.  2017. Nelson Region Estuaries: Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations.  Prepared for Nelson City Council. 36p + appendices.

Robertson, B. and Stevens, L. 2016. Manawatu-Wanganui Estuaries. Habitat Mapping, Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations Related to Issues of Eutrophication and Sedimentation. Prepared for Envirolink Medium Advice Grant: 1624-HZLC127 Assessment of the susceptibility of Horizons’ estuaries to nutrient enrichment and sedimentation. MBIE/NIWA Contract No:CO1X1513. 102p + appendices.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2012. Tasman Coast - Waimea Inlet to Kahurangi Point, habitat mapping, risk assessment and monitoring recommendations. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 167p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2008. Motupipi Estuary Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations, March 2008, Envirolink Report No 423 prepared for Tasman District Council. 47p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M. 2008. Southland Coast - Te Waewae Bay to the Catlins, habitat mapping, risk assessment and monitoring recommendations. Prepared for Environment Southland. 165p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2007a. Wairarapa Coastal Habitats: Mapping, Risk Assessment and Monitoring. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 120p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L. 2007b. Wellington Harbour, Kapiti, Southwest and South Coasts - Risks and Monitoring. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 57p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B. 2006. Broad scale habitat mapping of sandy beaches and river estuaries on the Western Wellington Coast. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 77p.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B. 2005. Broad scale habitat mapping of the coastline of the Hawke’s Bay region. Prepared for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. 21p + appendix.

Stevens, L. and Robertson, B. 2004. Broad scale habitat mapping of sandy beaches and river estuaries - Wellington Harbour and South Coast. Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council. 69p. 

SOE Reporting

Robertson, B.M., Stevens, L.M., Ward, N., and Robertson, B.P. 2017. Condition of Southland’s Shallow, Intertidal Dominated Estuaries in Relation to Eutrophication and Sedimentation: Output 1: Data Analysis and Technical Assessment - Habitat Mapping, Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations Related to Issues of Eutrophication and Sedimentation. Prepared for Environment Southland. 152p.

Robertson, B.M., and Stevens, L. 2009. State of the Environment Report: Estuaries of Tasman District. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 42p.

Robertson, B.M. and Stevens, L.M.  2006. Southland Estuaries State of Environment Report 2001-2006. Prepared for Environment Southland. 45p + appendices.

Stevens, L. 2006. Northland Regional Council – Field assessment of proposed regional estuary monitoring sites, and training in the national Estuary Monitoring Protocol. March 2006. Envirolink project prepared for Northland Regional Council.

Stevens, L. and Asher, R. 2005. Environment Southland Estuary Monitoring 2005. Prepared for Environment Southland. 21p + appendices.